

Jubilation Choir

The Jubilation Choir faithfully leads the Sunday worship service with a variety of sacred music reflecting the morning scriptures and sermon. Members volunteer their time to rehearse on Wednesday evenings in the church parlor from 6:00-7:00 pm. The choir sings weekly and for special occasions from September through June.

Celebration Ringers

The Celebration Ringers enjoy preparing music using the beautiful Malmark Handbells and Malmark Handchimes provided by the church. Music reading and previous ringing experience is helpful, but not required. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7:15-8:15pm in the church parlor. The Ringers play about once a month from September through June during Sunday services and for special occasions.



Junior Choir

The Junior Choir is for students grade K-8. Rehearsals vary when they are preparing for an event, check the weekly church calendar for updates. The Junior Choir performs for special services such as the Christmas White Gift Service, Palm Sunday and Children's Sunday.


The RingTones are a men's choir that have a repertoire including sacred music, secular music and barbershop music. They have enjoyed singing on a Sunday morning at KCC, at Spottswood Church in New Britain, for Family Promise events and the KCC Lobster Festival. Rehearsal times vary, please contact Corinne Terlecky for more information.



Chapel in the Woods & Summer Singers

Summer is the perfect time to share a vocal or instrumental solo, duet or small ensemble song for worship on a Sunday morning. Contact Corinne Terlecky to schedule a rehearsal time and enjoy the opportunity to share your talents with others.